Monday, July 10, 2006

Cleansing of the Uncleansed

Well, the time in which movies can be edited for content in the home theatre might be drawing to a close. In a court decision in Colorado, companies like Cleanflix have been order to hand over the clean discs so that they might be destroyed. I don't know too much about the dynamics of this issue, but doesn't this sound like calling good, evil and evil, good.

Read a bit about the story here.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dead Man's Chest Preview

Oh, this excerpt from a review didn't get me too excited about the movie...

"Heavily themed with gloom, peril and depravity, this is not a movie for kids. The emphasis on Johnny Depp's nihilistic Jack Sparrow, an amusing diversion the first time, casts the tale under a dark spell, looting this Pirates of the Caribbean of its light comedy and leaving it decidedly more grim than fun."

That is what I didn't like about the first. Guess it's going downhill from here.