X-Men 3 Rollercoaster Revisited
This post originally appeared on the Spud Field Blog, but since this new piece of the blogosphere has been claimed, I feel it's more fitting to be place here.
Well, this movie's been a rollercoaster, and I haven't even seen it yet. The hype first came out of no where. I didn't even know there were making another X-men movie until just a few weeks ago. I see a few trailers and start to get pretty excited. It looks intense. There are tons of new characters and a seemingly unending string of excitement that could keep anyone awake in a dark room, staring at the wall, for a couple hours. (Although, one of my more sleep-deprived friends informs me that this is not totally true.)
Then, today, after the extended Memorial weekend (which was great), I get a report on the less-appealing portions of the movie. Mystique, the painted woman, who wears nothing but the blue lacquer, through an awfully twisted plot, becomes the clad-less woman that she's always been, just without her acrylic covering. Nasty. The comments I've gotten do not doubt that the show could have gotten a more adult rating. That would have been nice, because you know they would have taken out the scene in order to tone the content down, making it available for more zombies to file into the theatres, contributing to the already $120mil blockbuster. That's a lot of Americans that have already shown themselves interested in buying pornography. Doesn't sound so glamorous or exciting when you think about it like that.
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